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ResourceSetInputProvider CRD

ResourceSetInputProvider is a declarative API for generating a set of input values for use within ResourceSet definitions. The input values are fetched from external services such as GitHub or GitLab, and can be used to parameterize the resources templates defined in ResourceSets.


The following example shows a provider that fetches input values from GitHub Pull Requests labeled with deploy/flux-preview:

kind: ResourceSetInputProvider
  name: flux-appx-prs
  namespace: default
  annotations: "enabled" "5m"
  type: GitHubPullRequest
      - "deploy/flux-preview"
    chart: "charts/flux-appx"

You can run this example by saving the manifest into flux-appx-prs.yaml.

1. Apply the ResourceSetInputProvider on the cluster:

kubectl apply -f flux-appx-prs.yaml.yaml

2. Wait for the ResourceSetInputProvider to reconcile:

kubectl wait rsip/flux-appx-prs --for=condition=ready --timeout=5m

3. Run kubectl get -o yaml to see the exported inputs generated in the ResourceSetInputProvider status:

$ kubectl get rsip/flux-appx-prs -o yaml | yq .status.exportedInputs
- author: stefanprodan
  branch: kubernetes/helm-set-limits
  chart: charts/flux-appx
  id: "4"
  sha: bf5d6e01cf802734853f6f3417b237e3ad0ba35d
  title: 'kubernetes(helm): Add default resources limits'
- author: stefanprodan
  branch: feat/ui-footer
  chart: charts/flux-appx
  id: "3"
  sha: 8492c0b5b2094fe720776c8ace1b9690ff258f53
  title: 'feat(ui): Add footer'
- author: stefanprodan
  branch: feat/ui-color-scheme
  chart: charts/flux-appx
  id: "2"
  sha: 8166bdecd6b078b9e5dd14fa3b7b67a847f76893
  title: 'feat(ui): Default color scheme'

4. Run kubectl delete to remove the provider from the cluster:

kubectl delete rsip/flux-appx-prs

Writing a ResourceSetInputProvider spec

As with all other Kubernetes config, a ResourceSet needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata.namespace fields. The name of a ResourceSet object must be a valid DNS subdomain name. A ResourceSet also needs a .spec section.


The .spec.type field is required and specifies the type of the provider.

The following types are supported:

  • GitHubPullRequest: fetches input values from opened GitHub Pull Requests.
  • GitHubBranch: fetches input values from GitHub repository branches.
  • GitLabMergeRequest: fetches input values from opened GitLab Merge Requests.
  • GitLabBranch: fetches input values from GitLab project branches.

For all types, the flux-operator will export in .status.exportedInputs a set of input values for each Pull/Merge Request or Branch that matches the filter criteria.

For Pull/Merge Requests the exported inputs structure is:

  • id: the ID number of the PR/MR (type string).
  • sha: the commit SHA of the PR/MR (type string).
  • branch: the branch name of the PR/MR (type string).
  • author: the author username of the PR/MR (type string).
  • title: the title of the PR/MR (type string).

For Git Branches the exported inputs structure is:

  • id: the Adler-32 checksum of the branch name (type string).
  • branch: the branch name (type string).
  • sha: the commit SHA corresponding to the branch HEAD (type string).


The .spec.url field is required and specifies the HTTP/S URL of the provider. For Git services, the URL should contain the GitHub repository or the GitLab project address.


The .spec.filter field is optional and specifies the filter criteria for the input values.

The following filters are supported:

  • limit: limit the number of input values fetched (default is 100).
  • labels: filter GitHub Pull Requests or GitLab Merge Requests by labels.
  • includeBranch: regular expression to include branches by name.
  • excludeBranch: regular expression to exclude branches by name.

Example of a filter configuration for GitLab Merge Requests:

    limit: 10
      - "deploy::flux-preview"
    includeBranch: "^feat/.*"
    excludeBranch: "^feat/not-this-one$"

Default values

The .spec.defaultValues field is optional and specifies the default values for the exported inputs. This field can be used to set values that are common to all the exported inputs.


    env: "staging"
      - "tenant1"
      - "tenant2"

Authentication configuration

The .spec.secretRef field is optional and specifies the Kubernetes Secret containing the authentication credentials used for connecting to the external service. Note that the secret must be created in the same namespace as the ResourceSetInputProvider.

For Git services, the secret should contain the username and password keys, with the password set to a personal access token that grants access for listing Pull Requests or Merge Requests and Git branches.

Example secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: github-pat
  namespace: default
  username: flux
  password: <GITHUB PAT>

Example secret reference:

    name: github-pat

GitHub App authentication

For GitHub, GitHub App authentication is also supported. Instead of adding the basic auth keys username and password, you can add the following GitHub App keys to the secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: github-app
  namespace: default
  githubAppID: "<GITHUB APP ID>"
  githubAppInstallationID: "<GITHUB APP INSTALLATION ID>"
  githubAppBaseURL: <github-enterprise-api-url> # optional, for self-hosted GitHub Enterprise
  githubAppPrivateKey: |
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Example secret reference:

    name: github-app

The GitHub App ID and Installation ID are integer numbers, so remember to quote them in the secret if using the stringData field as all values in this field must be strings.

A simpler alternative is creating the secret using the Flux CLI command flux create secret githubapp.

TLS certificate configuration

The .spec.certSecretRef field is optional and specifies the Kubernetes Secret containing the TLS certificate used for connecting to the external service. Note that the secret must be created in the same namespace as the ResourceSetInputProvider.

For Git services that use self-signed certificates, the secret should contain the ca.crt key.

Example secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitlab-ca
  namespace: default
  ca.crt: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Example certificate reference:

    name: gitlab-ca

Reconciliation configuration

The reconciliation of behaviour of a ResourceSet can be configured using the following annotations:

  • Enable or disable the reconciliation loop. Default is enabled, set to disabled to pause the reconciliation.
  • Set the reconciliation interval used for calling external services. Default is 10m.
  • Set the timeout for calling external services. Default is 1m.

ResourceSetInputProvider Status


A ResourceSetInputProvider enters various states during its lifecycle, reflected as Kubernetes Conditions. It can be reconciling while fetching data from external services, it can be ready, or it can fail during reconciliation.

The ResourceSetInputProvider API is compatible with the kstatus specification, and reports Reconciling and Stalled conditions where applicable to provide better (timeout) support to solutions polling the ResourceSetInputProvider to become Ready.

Reconciling ResourceSetInputProvider

The flux-operator marks a ResourceSetInputProvider as reconciling when it starts the reconciliation of the same. The Condition added to the ResourceSetInputProvider's .status.conditions has the following attributes:

  • type: Reconciling
  • status: "True"
  • reason: Progressing | reason: ProgressingWithRetry

The Condition message is updated during the course of the reconciliation to report the action being performed at any particular moment such as fetching data from external services.

The Ready Condition's status is also marked as Unknown.

Ready ResourceSetInputProvider

The flux-operator marks a ResourceSetInputProvider as ready when the data fetching from external services is successful.

When the ResourceSet is "ready", the flux-operator sets a Condition with the following attributes in the ResourceSet’s .status.conditions:

  • type: Ready
  • status: "True"
  • reason: ReconciliationSucceeded

Failed ResourceSetInputProvider

The flux-operator may get stuck trying to reconcile and apply a ResourceSetInputProvider without completing. This can occur due to some of the following factors:

  • The authentication to the external service fails.
  • The external service is unreachable.
  • The data fetched from the external service is invalid.

When this happens, the flux-operator sets the Ready Condition status to False and adds a Condition with the following attributes to the ResourceSet’s .status.conditions:

  • type: Ready
  • status: "False"
  • reason: ReconciliationFailed

The message field of the Condition will contain more information about why the reconciliation failed.

While the ResourceSetInputProvider has one or more of these Conditions, the flux-operator will continue to attempt a reconciliation with an exponential backoff, until it succeeds and the ResourceSetInputProvider is marked as ready.

Exported inputs status

After a successful reconciliation, the ResourceSetInputProvider status contains a list of exported inputs that can be used in the ResourceSet templates.


    - author: stefanprodan
      branch: kubernetes/helm-set-limits
      id: "4"
      sha: bf5d6e01cf802734853f6f3417b237e3ad0ba35d
      title: 'kubernetes(helm): Add default resources limits'
    - author: stefanprodan
      branch: feat/ui-footer
      id: "3"
      sha: 8492c0b5b2094fe720776c8ace1b9690ff258f53
      title: 'feat(ui): Add footer'
    - author: stefanprodan
      branch: feat/ui-color-scheme
      id: "2"
      sha: 8166bdecd6b078b9e5dd14fa3b7b67a847f76893
      title: 'feat(ui): Default color scheme'

ResourceSetInputProvider Metrics

The Flux Operator exports Prometheus metrics for the ResourceSetInputProvider objects that can be used to monitor the reconciliation status.


flux_resourcesetinputprovider_info{uid, kind, name, exported_namespace, ready, suspended, url}


  • uid: The Kubernetes unique identifier of the resource.
  • kind: The kind of the resource (e.g. ResourceSetInputProvider).
  • name: The name of the resource (e.g. podinfo-prs).
  • exported_namespace: The namespace where the resource is deployed (e.g. podinfo-review).
  • ready: The readiness status of the resource (e.g. True, False or Unkown).
  • reason: The reason for the readiness status (e.g. ReconciliationSucceeded or ReconciliationFailed).
  • suspended: The suspended status of the resource (e.g. True or False).
  • url: The provider address (e.g.