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Flux Monitoring and Reporting

The Flux Operator supervises the Flux controllers and provides a unified view of all the Flux resources that define the GitOps workflows for the target cluster. The operator generates reports, emits events, and exports Prometheus metrics to help with monitoring and troubleshooting Flux.

Flux Status Reporting

The Flux Operator automatically generates a report that reflects the observed state of the Flux installation. The report provides information about the installed components and their readiness, the Flux distribution details, reconcilers statistics, cluster sync status and more.

The report is generated as a custom resource of kind FluxReport, named flux, located in the same namespace where the operator is running.

Flux installation method

The report is available no matter the tool used to install Flux, be it the flux CLI, Terraform, Helm or the Flux Operator itself. For the report to be accurate, the operator must be running in the same namespace where the Flux controllers are deployed.

To view the report in YAML format run:

kubectl -n flux-system get fluxreport/flux -o yaml

The operator updates the report at regular intervals, by default every five minutes. To manually trigger the reconciliation of the report, run:

kubectl -n flux-system annotate --overwrite fluxreport/flux \"$(date +%s)"

Find more information about the reporting features in the Flux Report API documentation.

Flux Instance Events

The Flux Operator emits events to the Kubernetes API server to report on the status of the Flux instance. The events are useful to monitor the Flux lifecycle and troubleshoot upgrade issues.

To list the events related to the Flux instance, run:

kubectl -n flux-system events --for fluxinstance/flux

Prometheus Metrics

The Flux Operator exports metrics in the Prometheus format for monitoring and alerting purposes. The metrics are exposed inside the cluster by the flux-operator Kubernetes Service on the 8080 port.

On clusters where the Prometheus Operator is installed, the metrics can be scraped by creating a ServiceMonitor resource as follows:

kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: flux-operator
  namespace: flux-system
    release: kube-prometheus-stack
      - flux-system
    matchLabels: flux-operator
    - targetPort: 8080
      path: /metrics
      interval: 60s
      scrapeTimeout: 30s

Helm Chart

The Flux Operator Helm chart includes a ServiceMonitor resource that can be enabled by setting the serviceMonitor.create value to true.

On clusters with Prometheus auto-discovery enabled, the metrics are automatically scraped from the flux-operator pods that have the "true" annotation.

Flux Instance Metrics

The Flux Operator exports metrics for the FluxInstance resource. These metrics are refreshed every time the operator reconciles the instance.


flux_instance_info{uid, kind, name, exported_namespace, ready, suspended, registry, revision}


  • uid: The Kubernetes unique identifier of the resource.
  • kind: The kind of the resource (e.g. FluxInstance).
  • name: The name of the resource (e.g. flux).
  • exported_namespace: The namespace where the resource is deployed (e.g. flux-system).
  • ready: The readiness status of the resource (e.g. True, False or Unkown).
  • reason: The reason for the readiness status (e.g. Progressing, BuildFailed, HealthCheckFailed, etc.).
  • suspended: The suspended status of the resource (e.g. True or False).
  • registry: The container registry used by the instance (e.g.
  • revision: The Flux revision installed by the instance (e.g. v2.3.0@sha256:75aa209c6a...).

Flux Resource Metrics

The Flux Operator exports metrics for all Flux resources found in the cluster. These metrics are refreshed at the same time with the update of the FluxReport.


flux_resource_info{uid, kind, name, exported_namespace, ready, suspended, ...}

Common labels:

  • uid: The Kubernetes unique identifier of the resource.
  • kind: The kind of the resource (e.g. GitRepository, Kustomization, etc.).
  • name: The name of the resource (e.g. flux-system).
  • exported_namespace: The namespace of the resource (e.g. flux-system).
  • ready: The readiness status of the resource (e.g. True, False or Unkown).
  • reason: The reason for the readiness status (e.g. Progressing, BuildFailed, HealthCheckFailed, etc.).
  • suspended: The suspended status of the resource (e.g. True or False).

Specific labels per resource kind:

Resource Kind Labels
Kustomization revision, source_name, path
GitRepository revision, url, ref
OCIRepository revision, url, ref
Bucket revision, url, ref
HelmRelease revision, source_name
HelmChart revision, source_name
HelmRepository revision, url
Receiver url
ImageRepository url
ImagePolicy source_name
ImageUpdateAutomation source_name

Controller Runtime Metrics

The Flux Operator exports Kubernetes controller runtime metrics and Go runtime metrics.

Relevant metrics for troubleshooting:

  • controller_runtime_reconcile_errors_total{controller}: Total number of reconciliation errors per controller.
  • rest_client_requests_total{code, method}: Number of Kubernetes API requests, partitioned by status code and method.
  • go_memstats_alloc_bytes: Number of bytes allocated and still in use.
  • go_goroutines: Number of goroutines that currently exist.
  • workqueue_longest_running_processor_seconds: Longest time a workqueue item has been processed.