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Flux Bootstrap Migration

Assuming you have a cluster bootstrapped with the Flux CLI or the Terraform Provider, you can migrate to an operator-managed Flux with zero downtime.

Install the Flux Operator

Install the Flux Operator in the same namespace where Flux is deployed, for example using Helm:

helm install flux-operator oci:// \
  --namespace flux-system

Or by using an alternative installation method described in the installation guide.

Create a Flux Instance

Create a FluxInstance resource named flux in the flux-system namespace using the same configuration as for flux bootstrap.

For example, if you have bootstrapped the cluster with the following command:

flux bootstrap github \
  --owner=my-org \
  --repository=my-fleet \
  --branch=main \

The equivalent FluxInstance configuration would look like this:

kind: FluxInstance
  name: flux
  namespace: flux-system
    version: "2.x"
    registry: ""
    - source-controller
    - kustomize-controller
    - helm-controller
    - notification-controller
    type: kubernetes
    multitenant: false
    networkPolicy: true
    domain: "cluster.local"
    kind: GitRepository
    url: "ssh://[email protected]/my-org/my-fleet.git"
    ref: "refs/heads/main"
    path: "clusters/my-cluster"
    pullSecret: "flux-system"

Kustomize patches

Note that if you have customized the Flux manifests, you should copy the Kustomize patches from flux-system/kustomization.yaml in the FluxInstance under .spec.kustomize.patches. For more information, see the instance customization guide.

Apply the FluxInstance resource to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f flux-instance.yaml

Once the resource is reconciled, the operator will take over the management of the Flux components, the Flux GitRepository and Kustomization.

To verify that the migration was successful, check the status of the FluxInstance:

kubectl -n flux-system get fluxinstance flux

Running the trace command should result in a "Not managed by Flux" message:

flux trace kustomization flux-system

Cleanup the repository

To finalize the migration, remove the Flux manifests from the Git repository:

  1. Checkout the main branch of the Flux repository that was used to bootstrap the cluster.
  2. Delete the flux-system directory from the repository clusters/my-cluster directory.
  3. Optionally, place the FluxInstance YAML manifest in the clusters/my-cluster directory.
  4. Commit and push the changes to the Flux repository.