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Flux Operator Introduction

The Flux Operator is a Kubernetes CRD controller that manages the lifecycle of CNCF Flux and the ControlPlane enterprise distribution.

The operator offers an alternative to the Flux Bootstrap procedure, it removes the operational burden of managing Flux across fleets of clusters and provides first-class support for running Flux in production on OpenShift, Amazon EKS, Azure AKS and Google GKE.


  • Lifecycle Management

    The operator automates the installation, configuration and upgrade of the Flux controllers through a declarative API. It manages the update of Flux CRDs and prevents disruption during the upgrade process.

  • Advanced Configuration

    The operator allows the configuration of Flux multi-tenancy lockdown, vertical scaling, persistent storage, and the syncing of the cluster state from Git repositories, OCI artifacts and S3-compatible storage.

  • Deep Insights

    The operator provides deep insights into the delivery pipelines managed by Flux, including detailed reports about the Flux controllers readiness status, reconcilers statistics, and cluster state sync.

  • Enterprise Automation

    The operator streamlines the deployment of the ControlPlane Enterprise Distribution for Flux CD, and automates the patching of hotfixes and CVEs affecting the Flux controllers container images.


The Flux Operator is an open-source project licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license.

The project is developed by CNCF Flux core maintainers part of the ControlPlane team.