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Flux Distribution Installation

ControlPlane offers a seamless transition from CNCF Flux to the enterprise distribution with no impact to Flux availability. The hardened container images provided by ControlPlane are fully compatible with the upstream Flux installation and bootstrap procedure.

Flux Bootstrap

Customers can bootstrap Flux with the enterprise distribution using the Flux CLI or the Flux Terraform provider. To access the ControlPlane images, customers need to provide the registry address and their credentials.

Example of Flux CLI bootstrap with the FIPS-compliant images:

flux bootstrap github \
  --owner=customer-org \
  --repository=customer-repo \
  --branch=main \
  --path=clusters/production \
  --image-pull-secret=flux-enterprise-auth \
  --registry-creds=flux:$ENTERPRISE_TOKEN \

Example of Flux Terraform Provider bootstrap with the mainline images:

resource "flux_bootstrap_git" "this" {
  embedded_manifests   = true
  path                 = "clusters/my-cluster"
  image_pull_secret    = "flux-enterprise-auth"
  registry_credentials = "flux:${var.enterprise_token}"
  registry             = ""

Running the bootstrap command for a cluster with an existing Flux installation will trigger an in-place upgrade of the Flux controllers to the ControlPlane distribution.

Automated Updates to Bootstrap Repositories

For keeping the Flux controllers images digests and manifests up-to-date with the latest version of the Enterprise Distribution, ControlPlane provides Kustomize images patches for the Flux manifests, which can be found in the distribution repository.

Customers using GitHub can leverage the ControlPlane GitHub Actions to automate the update of the Flux manifests in their bootstrap repositories. For more information, see the Update Flux GitHub Action documentation.

For customers using other Git providers, ControlPlane provides support for configuring automated updates for the Flux enterprise distribution.

Migration to ControlPlane Distribution

Migration to the ControlPlane distribution is straightforward and requires minimal changes to the existing tooling used for deploying the Flux controllers. Having access to the ControlPlane registry, you can start using the enterprise distribution by changing the container image references from<controller-name> to <control-plane-registry>/<controller-name>.

On air-gapped environments, customers can copy the ControlPlane container images and the OCI artifacts (SBOMs and signatures) to their private registry using the crane CLI.

Example script for copying the ControlPlane images to a private registry:


crane auth login <control-plane-registry> -u flux -p $ENTERPRISE_TOKEN

for controller in "${FLUX_CONTROLLERS[@]}"; do
 crane copy --all-tags <control-plane-registry>/$controller  <your-registry>/$controller

Flux Operator

The ControlPlane distribution includes the Flux Operator, which provides a declarative API for the lifecycle management of the Flux controllers, including automated CVE patching and upgrades.

The operator offers an alternative to bootstrap, with the option to configure the reconciliation of the cluster state from OCI artifacts or S3-compatible storage, besides Git repositories.

To deploy the enterprise distribution of Flux, point the operator to the ControlPlane registry:

kind: FluxInstance
  name: flux
  namespace: flux-system
    version: "2.x"
    registry: ""
    imagePullSecret: "flux-enterprise-auth"
    type: kubernetes
    domain: "cluster.local"
    multitenant: true
    networkPolicy: true

To access the ControlPlane registry, the flux-enterprise-auth Kubernetes secret must be created in the flux-system namespace and should contain the credentials to pull the enterprise images:

kubectl create secret docker-registry flux-enterprise-auth \
  --namespace flux-system \ \
  --docker-username=flux \

For more information, see the Flux Operator documentation.